Mar 22, 2010

Version control system: Mercury

On Joel on blog, I found an interesting article posted:

It is a kind of introductory of Mercury source version control system.

First I thought we have already enough number of source version control systems such as Subversion, CVS, and AlienBrain.

The very first time I have heard about Mercury is from Google code. They actively supported it and they even had a video clip for it. I watched it but I didn't get how different it is from others.

Joel introduced it in a easy way, and I also think it is a very important big progress in software engineering. He also kindly made a tutorial of it: http://hginit.comI will try it on google code at a next personal project.

In a nut shell, Mercury is different from others in the sense that it stores "changes between versions" while previous systems store each version.

*PS: I don't see eclipse plugin for Mercury yet.

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